
Sunday, March 24, 2013

News From the Dragon's Lair 3-24-13

This week was Ostara and we did...nothing, really.

I mean, I had already decorated the altar at the beginning of March, and Spring Cleaning was mostly done last weekend,  but the date snuck up on me and I'd already bought groceries and such, so there was no Ostara dinner as I'd hoped. Draco was tired Wednesday night, so we didn't do the house blessing and smudging I'd planned either.

In addition to all that, my recent decision to fully embrace Domestic Paganism and to create a path based on it got put on hold while some mundane and marital problems were sorted out, so I wasn't exactly prepared. I know I'm on the right path though because I'm becoming increasingly drawn to Hestia, a home and hearth goddess and She seems to be everywhere I look these days. This is going in a very similar fashion as when Hecate presented Her offers to assist me with my Shadow Work (which is still an ongoing process, by the way).

A lot has been going on around the Dragon's Lair, and for a change, a lot of it seems positive.

Draco's hours are gradually improving. I can always gage the actual beginninng and end of the warm and cold seasons here by Draco's checks. He works constuction laying water lines for utility companies. His job is completely done outdoors (which to an old Druid like him is a gift and blessing), so the weather often has a hand in his checks.

Our sinuses have been really giving us fits. I have chronic rhionitis, which is year-round allergies, but when the pollen count is up, it can be almost bad enough to cause health concerns. My "cough-due-to-congestion" is ferocious. Seems like my chest is congested 24/7 and the coughing, though only occasionally severe, is not always productive. I'm worried that I should be taking or doing something for it (other than steamy baths to help break it up) but in addition to being in a financial transition, we're also in a medicinal one.

I'm in the process of switching us over from OTC medications to herbal and homemade remedies but I haven't had a chance to lay in a stock of supplies yet. I'm even out of my herbal medication for my anxeity, and I've been treating anxiety herbally for several years already. A little flurry of bills caused me to put it on hold, but I think I'm going to have to take the plung soon and start looking for something to treat my allergies (and possibly congestion as well now), in addition to some kind of pain reliever for Draco's back pain and my headaches.

I've found a couple of new blogs I think I like (one of which has given me some new perspective as well as enthusiasm) and PBP (I think that's the one) is under new management and I'm really starting to like it.

I did some brain-storming for the blog recently and liked the direction I seem headed in there, now if I can just get internet at home so I can begin building my blog, we'll be in business.

Draco and I spent most of the week arguing and finally got to the root of things yesterday. I think we really hit on some good points and I feel like I'm moving in the right direction personally as well.

Even though things aren't perfect at the Dragon's Lair, I feel like we are finally gaining forward momentum in so many ways.

I still worry about Witchlet, but things seem to be getting a little better, so I'm hoping things will work out for her.

It's been a chilly and rainy weekend here in the Deep South. I think Old Man Winter left a window open when he made his exit last week. Between bouts of rain though, the birds are celebrating and things really are beginning to look more green outside, so I know Spring really is here, even if it doesn't feel like it.

What's going on in your neck of the woods?

