
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Domestic Witchery

It occured to me after a statement I made in my last post, Ethical Spellcraft, (and a conversation with Witchlet) that I might need to elaborate on something.

I stated that even though I've been a practicing Pagan for nearly 20 years, that I rarely practice Spellcraft.

While that statement is true in the context that I don't cast a circle and call the quarters very often, it's not quite true in a literal sense.

I do practice magick, just not in a formal way.

As Witchlet and I discussed, I am a Hearth Witch. I practice magick everyday, but to me, it's in such a mundane way, -- and so integral to who I am -- that I often forget that it is still magick.

Let me elaborate. I sweep the house daily, whether it looks like it needs it or not. Why? I'm "sweeping out negativity" that may be lingering from someone's bad day, a disagreement, stress or worry, or even the energy put off from bad dreams. That, is Hearth Magick.

When I do laundry, I'm cleansing our clothes of any negative energy that may be clinging to them. That is Hearth Magick.

When I do my morning devotionals and offer a word of protection for my family as they move through their day, that is Hearth Magick.

I could go on and on about how I prepare meals with certain herbs and spices to promote whatever energy my family needs or how I always "mop up emotions" after someone has been very upset and how I dust to clear out our mental and emotional cobwebs. The list could go on forever.

In truth, I am very active in magick, just not in "formal" spell work.

How do you practice magick in your daily life? Do you tend to forget, like I do, that it's still magick?

