Forgive me for my absence but I've had a lot on my mind the last few days, but nothing I cared to feed energy to in a post.
Let's get on with the catch-up and you'll see.
1. This week, I started this blog, with a familiar look, but a very unique feel for me.
2. I began to explore my faith in-depth and on Monday and Tuesday my posts about Ethical Spellcraft and Hearth Witchery reflected that.
3. A few misplaced words on Wednesday and a disagreement on Thursday with my landlady over politics, parenting and religion set the tone for the weekend.
4. After an argument Thursday morning with Draco and relating the events of my day to him at lunch, the decision was finally made that we are going to have to move when we get taxes.
5. Much time and energy this weekend has been devoted to planning the immediate steps we need to take and when.
6. I began a daily card pull once again on Saturday and today, I combined it with my horoscope to create a "personal daily forecast" of sorts. It helped in getting me refocused and ready to begin posting again.
7. Today's post comes late because Draco returns to work tomorrow and I wanted to devote some time to my family today.
8. I'm going to have to work on my daily routines again because I have gotten so far off my game lately. I've added a few things here and there and it's got me all out of wack.
9. Time-management is something I work hard at, mainly because I suck at it, so my routines are crucial to my daily productivity.
10. One look at my to-do list from last week tells me I failed miserably, but I'm cutting myself some slack. It was a rough week (did I miss Mercury going retro???)
11. Landlady's stunt hit me right smack in the middle of the waxing moon, which shouldn't surprise me. It's the phase when things start coming to a head every month. As the full moon grows closer, all my loose ends tend to start tying themselves up in preparation for the next level of things, which for us, will be moving and all that goes with that.
12. There are no guarantees, but I hope to be moving by the next waxing moon phase so that maybe I can have us settled before the next full moon.
13. Imbolc celebrations will be minimal this year. I'm hoping to be able to do more by Ostara, which is our first "grilling holiday" of the season. For Imbolc, I will light some candles I have on hand to honor the return of the light and I'd like to get the stuff to make a big salad with yummy veggies and a fruit salad. Not exactly "traditional fare" but it will do.
So, as you can see, it's been a crazy week for me. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to set a dependable blog schedule to help me stay focused.
Rayven Moon